Supporting your engaged friends during COVID-19 should be no different than how you initially supported them when they got engaged–screaming, crying, and excitement. Of course, this sounds challenging considering they’re overwhelmed by the possibility that their wedding dates will have to be pushed back even longer after all the detailed planning and money they put into creating their special day.
Nonetheless, the best thing you can do for your engaged friends is to keep the thrill of the wait alive. Just a few small gestures can show your friends that they have a big support system that is willing to do whatever it takes to make them happy.
How Can I Support My Engaged Friend During COVID-19?
There is no doubt that your engaged friends are feeling bummed out because they are unable to celebrate their special day with all their loved ones. Although things aren’t going as hoped, there are ways to make this uncertain time lively and entertaining for your friends. Here are some kind things you can do for your engaged friends that they will surely never forget.
Be the Best Listener You can Be
You’re engaged friends are probably feeling every single type of emotion during this time. They may be sad, or they may be stressed with all the arrangements they have to change. Let your friends know that you’re here for them to vent to and to offer a hand with whatever they might need help with.
Listening doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to give advice, which you probably don’t have because no one really knows what’s going to happen in the future. Try to reflect on the emotions that they feel and empathize with what they’re going through. Sometimes just lending a shoulder to cry on is the greatest thing you can offer a friend.
Plan a Virtual Happy Hour
Don’t let these tough times stop you from celebrating with your engaged friends. Contact some of their closest friends and family to plan a virtual happy hour. Some things you can do to make this virtual happy hour fun include:
- Online trivia games
- Drinking games
- Themed attire
- Watch a movie
- Have a contest
Just by arranging a quick video chat to hang out, play some games, and have a few drinks would be something that your engaged friends will truly enjoy and appreciate.
Get Your Friend’s Mind Off of Their Wedding
The only thing on your engaged friend’s mind is most likely their wedding. This is something they’ve probably thought about for over a year unless they wanted to get married really fast. Either way, they have put a lot of effort into designing a wedding that they would always remember.
It is likely that you were friends with this person long before they got engaged, so check in with them about things other than their wedding. Catch up on your relationship by going through old pictures or watching a favorite show. Talk about your life and things you’ve been up to.
Sometimes, just by doing something different, you can give your friend something else to think of besides the stress of re-planning their wedding because of COVID-19.
Organize a Virtual Engagement Party
If your friend had an original wedding date that was significant to them, you can plan a virtual engagement party to still make that day special to them. Some unique things you can do to plan a virtual engagement party include:
- Ordering your engaged friend decorations and props for their house
- Creating online invitations to send to everyone
- Sending them their favorite champagne or wine
- Have lights, cameras, and music
- Have a formal dress code
Send Your Friend Gifts
Sending your engaged friends a gift could symbolize how much you care for them. You know your friend better than anyone else and gifting them with something that they’ll love will put the biggest smile on their face.
However, this gift doesn’t have to be something that you buy. Often, a gift that is crafted by hand is much more powerful. Some things you can make include:
- Writing a sentimental letter
- Painting a picture
- A new vision board for their wedding
- A photo album
Whichever way you plan to show your support, your engaged friends will be extremely grateful for you.
Let Windows on the Water Support You
If you’re lost and frustrated about where to start with re-planning your wedding, contact our supportive wedding planners at Windows on The Water in Central New Jersey. At Windows on The Water, we understand just how important your special day is. Our entire team will go above and beyond to make it your wedding day one you will remember forever.
To alleviate any worries you may have regarding the safety and health of your guests, we’re booking outdoor wedding spaces to comfortably fit 250 guests, as well as the addition of large, fully-lined and weather resistant tents.
Our years of recognized service and experienced staff will get you through the wedding planning process with little stress and peace of mind that everything you want can happen without any issues. Book an appointment online or call us today at (609) 208-9474 to receive our Windows Wedding Packet that contains menus, pricing, photos, and additional amenities and services that are available. See why Windows on the Water is the ideal wedding venue for you.